They are whom God chooses and calls (Ps. 65*4; is. 51:2; Rev. 19:9); they know Christ and his Gospel, believe and are not offended at Christ (Matt 16:16, 17; Ps. 89:15; Matt 1116; Luke 145). Their sins are forgiven and God imputes to them righteousness without works (Ps. 32:1, 2; Rom. 4:6-9). But at times they are chastened, and suffer for Christ, but they are not hurt thereby as they trust in God, fear him, yes have their strength in him (Job 5:17; Luke 6:22;Ps. 2:12; Jer. i77;Ps. 112:1; Ps. 84:5). Therefore they delight in his commandments and keep them, they hunger and thirst after righteousness, frequent the house of the Lord waiting for him (Ps. 112:1; Rev. 22:14; Matt. 5:6; Ps. 654; Is. 30:18). When in contact with the world they avoid the wicked, endure temptation, watch against sin: are undented, pure in heart, just, righteous, faithful, poor in spirit, meek, merciful, bountiful and are peacemakers (Ps. 1:1; Jas. 1 :12;Rev. 16:15; Ps. 119:1; Matt. 5:8; Ps. 106:3; Ps. 5:12; Prov. 28:20; Matt. 5:3; Matt. 5:31; Matt 5:5; Matt. 5 7; Luke 14:13» H', Matt. 5 9). Watching for the Lord, they die in him, have part in the first resurrection and shall eat bread in the kingdom of God (Luke 12:37; Rev. 14:13; Rev. 20:6; Luke 14:15; Rev. 19:9).